
Special needs equipment, wheelchairs etc

The municipality administers the Kelly Fund, set up by Eddie Kelly, to supply equipment such as wheelchairs and hospital beds to residents in need. Contact the municipality at 819-455-2401 for more information.


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Council meetings

The next regular meeting of Pontiac municipal council is on Tuesday 10 May 2011 at 8 pm. It will be held in the Breckenridge Fire Hall at 1491 route 148.

Meetings are usually held at the community centre in Luskville, next to the municipal offices (Town Hall, Hôtel de Ville) at 2024 route 148.

The meeting on the 10 August 2011 will be held in the Quyon Community Centre (Lions Hall/Beach Barn) at the end of Ferry road.

In general meetings are on the second Tuesday in the month, except in January (third Tuesday).

Birdwatching, Club des ornithologues

New website for Club des ornithologues de l'Outaouais:

"Nous vous invitons à visiter le nouveau site Web au http://www.coo.qc.ca ou au http://coo.ncf.ca/index.php et à nous faire part de vos commentaires pour nous signaler les erreurs, les suggestions et les omissions toujours possibles."