Information for residents and businesses about resources, events and activities in the Municipality of Pontiac in Quebec.
Daycares and children's playgroups
Little Stars Daycare
Contact Jennifer or Sasha at
819 791 9295
Opening in April, it's in the same place as the the pizza restaurant
at the intersection of the Eardley/Masham Rd. and the 148 in Luskville..
There is also another very very nice day care here:
CPE (Centres de la Petite Enfance)
Univers Bambinos
1955 Mountain Road
819 455 9697
One of the best features in Pontiac is the Maison de la Famille ("Family Centre") in Quyon, with a childrens playgroup, a second hand clothing and furniture shop, a women's craft night and more services and courses than I can describe here. The Maison was one of the first places I learned about when I moved here with young kids and I am still friends with the women I met in the playgroup.
Can't say enough about this remarkable place.
Please drop in.
Mon --Fri: 8.30 to 12.30 and 1 pm to 4 pm.
1074 Clarendon St.
819 458 2808
A free drop in playgroup, called Pontiac "Pirate" Playgroup, operated 2006 - 2009 at the community centre in Luskville.
Jump started by local mothers Danielle Samuar, Adraina Saenz and Brigitte Bonneau, the playgroup was a terrific place to run preschoolers around in a space where nothing could be broken. However, attendance gradually dropped until it seemed all the mothers coming were from Shawville! As a result, the playgroup was officially moved to Shawville early 2010, where I believe it still goes on at 'the Garage', the youth centre on King St.
If you are interested in starting the PPP back up, be my guest. There are still some toys at the community centre and Wednesday mornings are free!
Contact the Municipal office at 819 455 2401 to be sure.
Rock on, Pirates.
MRC des Collines map

The MRC des Collines is the regional grouping (county) of seven rural and suburban municipalities around the Ville de Gatineau, formed in 1991. Its area is 2088 square km, and population over 46,000. The seven mayors represent municipalities with from 800 to over 10,000 people. The municipality of Pontiac is in the lower left (south west) of the MRC des Collines on the map above, demarcated by a purplish line; area 447 square km and population 5,700. Over 60% of Gatineau Park (green on the map) is within the municipality.
Breckenridge, Pontiac
Breckenridge residents may feel left out of the information below on CLSCs, Post Offices
and English elementary schools, and those of us south of Elm have phone numbers
beginning 682, 684 or 332 rather than 455 (Luskville) or 458 (Quyon).
The CLSC in Aylmer is at 425 rue Leguerrier, Aylmer (Gatineau) (behind the Galeries
d'Aylmer). You can get a blood test without an appointment if you go in the morning.
Perhaps best to phone first: - (819) 966-6540 ext 0. (no charge for blood test).
There's a postal outlet in the far back of Jean Coutu (in the Galeries d'Aylmer), and
you can mail anything that will fit, in the out-going slots at community mailboxes.
If you are lucky enough to have your own rural mailbox, the mail person will pick up
mail from it.
The Western Québec School Board has three English elementary schools that accept
children from the Luskville and Breckenridge areas of Pontiac (the former Eardley
township, east of Kennedy road).
French immersion is available.
The three elementary schools are: Eardley Elementary (on North Street),
Lord Aylmer (on Frank Robinson) and South Hull School (on Crescent Drive).
Symmes Junior High and D'Arcy McGee High School are on du Plateau,
close to chemin Vanier.
Medical centres, health information
But there is a lot of health information available there, so it's a good place to visit all the same.
CLSC de Quyon
1164 rue Clarendon
819 458 2848
The info health line (Info Sante) for Quebec is 811.
It's a good place to go for advice before heading to the hospital.
Hopital du Pontiac Hospital
200 Rue Argue
819 647 2211
There is a doctors office in Quyon -- Dr's Lamarche, Crouteau and Bazil, I think. You can call to see if they are taking patients if you need a family doctor, but I don't advise you to get your hopes up.
111A rue Clarendon
819 458 2397
Archives and History
If you are looking for information about your family or this area, this is a fantastic place to start...
But just as importantly, if you have a bought an old house here, or you are just clearing out the top of your barn, and you find family trees, old books, photographs, negatives, newspapers, birth certificates or anything like this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not throw them away, or leave them where they can be injured or destroyed.
Everything like this is of so much importance. Call the Archives and see if you can bring it in.
Archives du Pontiac Archives
358 Main Street.
819 647 7013
The Armstrong Heritage Farm, also in Shawville, might be interested in any larger items of historical significance.
Or they might not. They have a lot of stuff, including a small real train.
But call them and check. Just don't throw anything out until you've asked around.
Ferme Patrimoine Armstrong Heritage Farm
Route 148, Shawville.
819 647 2117
Elementary schools
the phone numbers for both Notre Dame de la Joie in Luskville AND Ste. Marie in Quyon have changed!
Now both schools can only be reached at: 819 503 8808.
A automatic prompt will guide you from there. Write this down, and mention it in conversation now and again, because the old numbers have been around forever, and people still don't know about the change.
Notre Dame de la Joie
French language, elementary
14 ch. du Village, near the Catholic church, St. Dominique's.
819 503 8808.
Teachers have extentions you can leave messages on now, too.
Ste. Marie's
French language, elementary
19 Rue Church
819 503 8808
Both these schools have actually been officially under the one name of Ecole de la Vallee des Voyageurs for quite a while, but still almost no one knows this or cares.
Onslow Elementary School
English language, elementary
850 Rue Clarendon
819 4582375
There are no high schools in the Municipality of Pontiac. English speaking kids will go to Aylmer or Shawville; Francophones go to Aylmer, Hull or Fort Coulonge.
Post offices
Within the Station T. Levesque depanneur within the little strip mall on the highway, between the Autopro (hi Gaetan) and the gunshop.
Phone number: 819 455 2222
Open hours:
Mon- Fri: 8 -- 4 pm
Sat: 8 -- 12 noon.
If you are lucky, you'll run into Mike the Mailman picking up his deliveries here, and he'll find your letters for you on the spot!
Cheers, Mike!
A 'real' Canada Post outlet, best for sending weird parcels and overnight stuff. Post office boxes also available here.
1102 Clarendon Street.
819 458 2002.
I can also tell you that this outlet closes for 2 hours every day to clear the incoming mail, so between noon and 2 pm: forget it.
Quite often you can buy ordinary letter stamps at depanneurs-- just ask -- and you can post a letter in any of the red giant "super boxes" that you see around, like at the corner of Ch. Braun and the 148, or the intersection of the Eardley Masham Rd./ Ch. Curley and the highway.
What do you mean when you say Pontiac?!
All I can tell you is this.
Living in Luskville and Quyon, you are in the Municipality of Pontiac, but this Municipality is included within the MRC des Collines, which follows the Gatineau Valley, i.e. northwards, to Chelsea, Wakefield, Danford, Kaz. etc.
The rest of the towns that we feel closest to: Bristol, Shawville, Fort Coulonge: these guys belong to the MRC Pontiac, which follows the Ottawa River valley. But we share such an identity with these places, as well as so many resources and community orgainsations, that many feel the MoP should come over to the MRC of Pontiac and save us all the headache.
In fact our mayor, Eddie McCann, intends to do just this. Has for many a year, in fact.
We still belong to MRC des Collines in the meantime, which means that although we go to the CLSC in Quyon --affiliated with the Shawville hospital-- you will get the MRC des Collines police when you call 911 for an emergency, rather than the SQ, which the MRC de Pontiac uses.
Am I helping?
Oh ever so much.
Oh, and we are supposed to put "Pontiac" on our return addresses but no one does. Just say "jocks to go", (J0X 2G0), and look at the river and mountains and breathe deeply for a moment.
In a small grey building beside the Community Centre, close to the Luskville fire station and the Municipal offices; on the turn off to the Lusk Falls.
There is no sign whatsoever, so hunt for the blue 'book return' box by the front door.
2024 Route 148
Phone: 819 455 2370.
I did know the times of opening out of my head, but I will double check later!
Mon and Wed: 6 -- 8pm
Sat. 2 --4 pm.
There is free internet access and a surprising amount of music available, but most of the books are in French, although the librarian (Louise Ramsay, I think) can order from any other BiblioOutaouais library for you.
A beautiful and really very stylish building on John Street: the one with the Legion hall and the Catholic church on it. Unusual circular design in the gable of the roof.
12 John St.
Phone: 819 458 1227
I wrote down the hours last time I went past to see if it was open at a time useful to me! It isn't.
Mon, Wed, Thurs: 6 -- 9pm
Sat: 1--4 pm.
A bright and cheerful place with an excellent selection of childrens books, both stories and reference, in both languages. Plenty of computers. Librarian Berenice is very friendly and sweet.
Both libraries should have several free passes for Ottawa Museums -- certainly the Museum of Civilization and Museum of Nature-- available to lend out, so if you have a bunch of kids and a spare day, go and get one.