
Aylmer Mosque Open House

Date: Saturday, February 13
Time: between 1 -- 4 pm
Place: 21 Park Street, Aylmer.

That's the old national bank building. There is parking on Park Street but not a great deal... watch out! The speed bumps are devastating there.

This is an event in order that people may ask all the questions they want about the mosque and the Muslim faith.
The Imam and bilingual volunteers will be there to help you. However shoes must be removed so wear some good socks.

Hoping lots of people take this opportunity to visit and express their appreciation for this act of generous hospitality.



Pontiac for Refugees

Hello everyone. Sorry it's been so long.

Myself and a couple of like-minded fellows have been in touch with the organizers of Wakefield for Refugees in order to learn about what we here can do to help.

They are holding a public meeting next Wednesday, January 13th at the Wakefield United Church (opposite the National Bank) starting at 7: 30 pm.

I'll be going to it and will report back here on what I found out, but if anyone else would also like to go, that'd be great.

They also have a Facebook page if you'd like to join it: lots of interesting links and insights there.

I'm also trying to organize some language lessons here through the same group: simple stuff like a few useful words/phrases and a bit of background into the culture of the Arabic-speaking nations.
I'll let you know about that too.

We might not be up to actually hosting a refugee family, but there is surely much we CAN do.

Many thanks, K.