Hello everyone. Sorry it's been so long.
Myself and a couple of like-minded fellows have been in touch with the organizers of Wakefield for Refugees in order to learn about what we here can do to help.
They are holding a public meeting next Wednesday, January 13th at the Wakefield United Church (opposite the National Bank) starting at 7: 30 pm.
I'll be going to it and will report back here on what I found out, but if anyone else would also like to go, that'd be great.
They also have a Facebook page if you'd like to join it: lots of interesting links and insights there.
I'm also trying to organize some language lessons here through the same group: simple stuff like a few useful words/phrases and a bit of background into the culture of the Arabic-speaking nations.
I'll let you know about that too.
We might not be up to actually hosting a refugee family, but there is surely much we CAN do.
Many thanks, K.