
Festival Pontiac Enchanté at Venturing Hills Farm

Festival Pontiac Enchanté brings together seasoned professional players and advanced music students from the Ottawa area, including Carson Becke (piano). This year two young artists from Europe, Hinrich Alpers (piano) and Lauren Steel (cello), as well as Nathaniel Frank-Anderson from Toronto, and bass-baritone Robert Pomakov join the performers.

The 100 mile Gala dinner and concert was last weekend, and last night's program included romantic piano trios by Mozart and Beethoven, and a Schubert nocturne. After the concert a Whip-poor-will could be heard nearby.

There are still five concerts - this weekend (23 and 24 July) and next (29, 30 and 31 July). The concerts on Friday and Saturday start at 7:30 pm, those on Sunday start at 2:30 pm.

For the program see the Venturing Hills website.

Picnic in the Park

hosted by the Waterfront Revitalization Committee

at the Quyon Lion’s Club

Saturday July 30, 2011

1:45 pm Entertainment kicks off

4:00 – 6:00 pm BBQ Chicken Dinner, Tickets $20.00 (Kids under 12 $5.00)

Sunday July 31, 2011

9:00 am - Mayor’s Breakfast

All Proceeds go toward the Heritage Boardwalk Committee and the Waterfront Revitalization Committee

Afternoon and evening festivities are free which include music and entertainment, displays from local artists, etc. Latest news on the Waterfront Revitalization Project which includes plans for a new Community Centre and a Historic Waterfront Boardwalk.

For tickets or information please contact:

Kerry-Lynn Campbell Tel: 819-458-1780

Email: waterfrontrevitlatization@bell.net


Please join us for entertainment by:

House Band – Lorne Daley Band, Friends in Harmony, Daley Family, Johanne Dubeau, Gail Gavan, Mick Armitage, Mike Fahey, Ronnie Trudeau, Dennis Alexander, Cal Cumming & Friends, Joe Teevens

Art displays by Cheryl Dolan and Shannon Purcell.


Route 148 is now reopened.

Culvert repairs on route 148 near Nugent's were completed by August 30 (before then there was a 3 km detour by way of Parker, McKibbon and Curley).

Updated 1 September 2011.

According to LeDroit, 30 July, the washout on 24 June made a hole 3.6 metres wide and nearly 20 m deep, cutting highway 148. Repairs are expected to cost $2 million.

Le glissement de terrain survenu le 24 juin a créé un trou de 3,6 mètres de diamètre et d’une profondeur de près de 20 m, emportant avec lui un morceau de la route 148. Les travaux sont évalués à 2 millions $.